Issue Resolution Policy
AUJFC seeks to ensure that any issues raised are resolved in a timely and amicable manner to the satisfaction of all parties.
Raising a Concern
Any person wishing to raise an issue should do so as follows:
• Team Related – raise with the team manager or coach
• General Nature – please direct to the Club Secretary
Team Complaints:
Parents/Players concerns about coaching
Our coaches are not paid. They volunteer a lot of time and effort to provide a positive learning environment for our children. Parents are asked to fully support and where possible, assist coaches when required. If you have any concerns regarding the coach, you should inform the Team Manager and where possible, speak directly to the coach about your concerns. At no time should you attempt to confront a coach whilst training or a game is in progress.
Coaches concerns about parents
If a coach has a problem with a parent they should try to establish and maintain an open line of communication and talk to the parent about your concern. It is advisable that this is done in the presence of the Team Manager. If the matter is not able to be resolved in this manner, it should be referred to the Coaches Coordinator who in turn may refer it to the Committee for mediation and resolution.
If a coach has a problem with a player they should talk to the player and express concerns. Discussions are always best undertaken in the presence of a parent. If concerns continue, Coaches have the authority to suspend players if the further incident warrants this action.
If they are unable to resolve the matter at that level they may refer it to the Club Secretary for consideration.
Player concerns about another player:
If a player has an issue with another player, she/he (or their parents) should not take matters into their own hands but rather refer the matter to the coach in the first instance.
If they are unable to resolve the matter at that level they may refer it to the Club Secretary for consideration.
Complaints involving other Clubs:
If a Club member has concerns about the behaviour of a player, team official or spectator, they should first raise the matter with the relevant AUJFC team manager who should address it by speaking to the opposing team manager.
If they are unable to resolve the matter, they may refer it to the Club Secretary for consideration.
Complaints by another club:
If a representative of another Club wishes to raise a concern, they should do so in the first instance with the relevant AUJFC team manager.
Complaints to the Club Secretary:
The Club Secretary shall act as the Club’s Complaints Officer and pass complaint onto the relevant investigative Club Official.
Depending upon the nature of the issue the matter may be referred to a third party either internally or externally to the Club (e.g. Child Protection Officer).
The Club President, Vice President and Secretary are the only representatives of the Club who may lodge an official complaint with another team, the YJFL or any other organisation.
Resolution Process
In attempting to resolve the issue, all parties should take into account the following factors:
• The extent of the issue, i.e., if it is likely to have a wider effect in the Club;
• The number of players or teams affected;
• Whether appropriate temporary measures are possible or desirable;
• The expected time before the issue can be addressed;
• What resources may be needed to resolve the issue.
On receiving a complaint the Investigating Officer shall:
• inform the person alleged to have contravened the Policy (the respondent) of the complaint and provide the respondent with an opportunity to respond to it;
• obtain statements from any witnesses identified by both parties to the complaint;
• where available ,obtain any other evidence;
• arrange for the complaint to be conciliated, by an independent conciliator agreed upon by both parties;
• take all steps necessary for the complaint to be conciliated within 5 working days from the day on which the incident is alleged to have occurred;
• ensure that where a matter is resolved by conciliation the only public statement made shall be agreed to by both parties to the complaint and the Club's President and that the terms of any settlement are finalised to the satisfaction of the complainant and respondent and signed by the parties and the conciliator.
Where a AUJFC member is found to have breached Club policy, the Club may adopt the following response:
By taking a role in the AUJFC Committee, each member accepts the collective responsibilities this entails. Each member must ensure that his/her behaviour and demeanour sets an example for others to follow. Possible consequences of breaches of the Code may include:
• Written Warning: (By Executive Com
mittee/Delegated Committee Representative)
• Written Caution: (By Executive Committee - after appearing before a recommended constituted panel - to be comprised of at least two of: Relevant Coordinator, Secretary or delegated Board representatives)
• Suspension: (decision of Executive Committee)
Part of learning how to play the game is learning how to conduct themselves both on and off the field. Players must be aware that AUJFC demands the highest standards of behaviour. Possible consequences of breaches of the Code, may include:
• ‘Formal’ Verbal Warning: (Coach) - Coach to handle the initial on-field misdemeanours. (b) Written Warning: (Committee /Delegate)
• Written Caution: By Executive Committee - after appearing before an appropriately constituted panel - to be comprised of at least two of: Player Welfare and/or committee representative, Team Manager, Coach,
• Suspension: (By Executive Committee).
• Deregistration: (By Executive Committee).
A coach is mentor, role model, teacher and counsellor to players. Parents and players therefore should expect that the behaviour and demeanour of coaches is not only exemplary but beyond reproach. Possible consequences of breaches of the Code (graded):
• Warning: (Coaching Director/Executive Committee Representative)
• Written Caution: (By Executive Committee - after appearing before an appropriately constituted panel - to be comprised of at least two of: Coaching Director and two other relevant officials, approved by the Committee)
• Suspension (By Executive Committee)
Parents of players at AUJFC have the right to expect that the Club will provide a safe, harmonious and enjoyable environment for their child to play football. The Club in return expects that parents will ensure that their behaviour does not bring the Club into disrepute. Possible consequences of breaches of the Code (graded):
• Warning: (By Team Manager/Executive Committee representative)
• Written Caution: (By Executive Committee - after appearing before an appropriately constituted panel - to be comprised of at least two of: President and two other relevant officials, approved by the Executive Committee)
• Suspension:(By Executive Committee)
Care needs to be exercised to ensure that players are not penalised for the behaviour of others.
Confidentiality must be maintained throughout the complaints process. All parties to a complaint must all agree to the maintenance of confidentiality. No person involved in the complaints process should publicly comment on any aspect of the complaints process without the prior written agreement of all parties.