Club Policies

The following set of policies have been developed to reflect our culture and values and allow us to provide the best possible junior football environment for our players and supporters.

Any person who feels aggrieved by the interpretation of the policies or possible failure to comply with the policies may refer the matter to the Committee via the Club Secretary for consideration in accordance with the Club’s dispute resolution policy.



We aim to support all children at the Club by creating an environment which is inclusive, friendly and enables each player to develop their football skills under quality coaching and at a level of competition which suits their abilities at any given stage of their development.


  • To provide a safe, welcoming, inclusive and enjoyable environment for all players, umpires, parents and supporters;

  • To provide quality coaching with an emphasis on player development, teamwork, skill development, and a positive learning environment;

  • We encourage good sportsmanship and respect for the Club and all others we interact with;

  • We provide a great football and social experience for all our players, parents, supporters, sponsors and visitors.


1   Behaviour Policy
3   Player Registration Policy
4   Team Selection Policy
5   Financial Members
6   Club Captains
7   Awards & Milestones
8   Player Safety Policy
9   Smoking & Alcohol
10  Coaching Policy
11   Issue Resolution Policy
12  Child Safety Policy
13  Child Safe Reporting Procedures
14  Social Media Guidelines
15  Privacy Policy
16  Sponsor Acknowledgment


Coaching POLICY

Our coaches have an obligation to:

  • Understand the main reasons why children play sport/s;

  • Act as role models;

  • Try and raise the player's positive beliefs, instilling in them the conviction that they are better than they think they are;

  • Expect the best from their players as there is a chance they will give their best;

  • Focus on the potential of players by cultivating their strengths to help them develop their resolve and resilience to deal with the negatives and setbacks that happen in sport;

  • Behave in a manner that can be summed up as "what we do is more important that what we say". Our coaches will understand that is their responsibility to be a good role model to players and everyone involved in the team and game.


The Ashy Way of playing (on the field)

There are three main aims:

  1. To play with determination and effort but always be fair and play within the rules and spirit of the game;

  2. To play with a positive approach, be quick, skilfully move the ball and be encouraging of your teammates;

  3. To play defensively when our opponents have the ball, everyone is a defender in this situation.


The Ashy Way of playing (OFF the field)

There are four main aims:

  1. To train to the best of your ability and listen to your coach (or coaches);

  2. To be punctual and prepared for training and games;

  3. If you are unavailable to play or train, notify your coach and/or team as soon as possible.

  4. Support your Club by helping and participating at events when required.



Irrespective of their age, sex or ability, player welfare is of paramount importance to our Club.  Player mouth guards are required to be worn by all players during the game and at training and we support players who choose to wear a helmet.

The Club has adopted a code of behaviour which we expect everyone (players, parents and supporters) to comply with and has appointed a Child Safety Officer and a Tribunal Advocate to assist where necessary.

Any concerns regarding player welfare should first be raised with your Team Manager and/or Coach.  If they cannot be resolved, they should be referred to the Committee via the Secretary.  If a child has been deemed to be at risk, the Child Safety Officer should be contacted immediately.