Team Preference U10 - U12 age groups
Thank you for registering your child to play at the Ashy Redbacks in 2019.
As per the Club's Team Selection Policy, we ask that all parents on behalf of their children, select one of the three requests below to ensure that it maximises their football skills and enjoyment of the game. We ask all members to take in mind their child’s current skill level and coaching needs.
The three choices include:
You request your child be considered to play in the year group’s highest division offered
You request your child plays with friends. These teams will aim to be placed in the middle level divisions however please note this if their child’s friends have all chosen to play in the highest division or lowest division, then this will ultimately determine the level that they are required to play
You request that your child be placed in a team where training will be based on skill development. The aim here is to ensure players who are new to football, still learning the craft or have not completed as many years mastering skills at Auskick or through playing Club footy can have training and games structured at a level that will allow maximum development of their skills during the season. These teams will be placed in one of the lower divisions. A big emphasis will be placed on fun and improving skills.
Next Steps
When age groups reach capacity of registrations (approximately February), teams will be selected and coaches will be appointed to the teams that best suit their preferences and experience. At this time, all families will receive a communication from their coach welcoming them to their team and announcing their weekly training time / date.
Click here to read more about the Team Selection Policy
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Lucy Leiner