Thanks for choosing to wear the red and green in 2018!
Our final Mouthguard, Uniform and Merchandise Fitting/Collection Day will be held at Burwood Reserve Pavilion on Sunday 25th of March from 9am to 10am.
The Sportsguard Mouthguard team will be available for mouthguard fittings throughout the one-hour window (health insurances rebates can apply). Mouthguards that were ordered during our first and second Open Days will be ready for collection from the Pavilion. Please come and collect your orders to remove undue time from Committee Members after the season starts.
Browse the 2018 Sportsguard Mouthguard order form
You may even like to bring in the old footy boots you may have at home and we'll organize them to go to a community in need.
Parking available off Queens Parade or in neighbouring streets where permitted.